2009 NATS #3 Results – TTC – July 4th

MotoTrials, BikeTrials, kids, food, big rocks and fireworks!  What else could it be but another event at the Trials Training Center?!  Some things never change.

Then again, some things do change – for the better:  This year’s event was a much more pleasant 85⁰ F and dry.  Some were worried about rain because it had rained at 3pm each day of the previous weekend for the MotoTrials National even though there was only a 20% chance.  Also, we had quite a heavy downpour last year that left the rocks exceedingly slick.  As it turned out, the area was so dry this year that there was no water at all in Sawmill Creek.  It was great for me because I could set entirely new sections on the same old rocks by coming at them in different ways than when the creek is running.

On the other hand, as you can see from the results below, it seems my new approach to the rocks proved to be a bit much for most of the riders.  You know, it’s funny, I don’t really set out to make such difficult sections.  My mindset for Expert is to ask myself if I would try the move.  I’m not saying I could make it every time but I would definitely try it.  I figure that since I haven’t competed in several years then that should be a good measuring stick.  As for Pro, I try to base the moves on what I’ve seen in both US and international videos.  Obviously, fear factor plays a part but I try to keep it to a minimum.  I’m not a fan of unnecessary danger and peril.  Still, what might not be dangerous to the best riders can be quite dangerous to someone less confident and/or skilled.  I try to keep all of these things in mind.

One of the best aspects of the event was a good number of spectators.  We had talked up the BikeTrials comp to the MotoTrials riders and spectators so we got a pretty good following and lots of enthusiastic cheering and clapping.  It also helped that several MotoTrials riders, including their top Junior, Patrick Smage, were riding bicycles, too.

I also tried a new format for this event.  I ran the Beginner and Expert classes from 9am to Noon and the Sport and Pro classes from 1pm to 3pm.  This allowed me to use Sport and Pro riders to help check in the morning and Expert riders to check in afternoon.  It also reduced the waiting at each section since only one class at a time was using the sections.  Some of the Pros weren’t too keen on standing around all morning but I think they found that it actually worked out just fine.  I plan to continue using this format for the foreseeable future.

I have to give a big thank you to everyone who helped out, especially my parents.  I also have to thank Dan, Charlie and Catherine for doing such a great job with the TTC and allowing us to continue to use it.  Lastly, thank you to every rider and spectator for making it all worthwhile.


Beginner (4 sections, 3 loops)
Sport (4 sections, 3 loops)
1. Nathan Hassler 21  
2. Jordan Robison 41  
  Karl Falconer DNF (no card)
  Glenn Richardson DNF  
Expert (6 sections, 2 loops)
1. Lance Kleffman 39  
2. Ben Tignor 60  
  Tom McNeal DNF (injury)
  Craig Durkin DNF  
  Colin Blanchard DNF  
Pro (6 sections, 2 loops)
1. Pat Smage 8  
2. Ryan Cecil 9  
3. Tom Ligon 16  
4. Neil Willey 27  
5. Dave Campbell 36  
6. Mike Schiavone 55  
7. Chris Pitts 59  
  Vaughn Micciche DNF (injury)

